Sunday, August 10, 2008

32 weeks Pregnant!!!

32 weeks pregnant......only 8 weeks left and we will officially have 3 children. Time has really flown by, especially when you get into the single digits of the remaining weeks!!! I am still absolutely loving being pregnant. As you can see I have a large tummy...Evan calls this "Mommies big fat baby belly" and Elly calls this "mommies big fat baby tummy". They seem to be getting excited to the bigger that my belly is growing!! Joe thinks it is just great at how large my belly is....he informed me tonight that when I stand sideways all he can see is belly!!! I am going to try really hard to blog a little more often.

Not too up to Date.....

Evan and Elly at the Games Lake....they love it when I MAKE them pose!!
At the beach with the Johnson kids...Marshel, Juele and Gavin!
Elly riding the cars at the Kandiyohi County Fair!!
Evan riding the motorcycles at the Kandiyohi County Fair!!!
Brea and Evan at the tractor pull..
I thought that I would update this poor deprived blog since it has been a very long time. This summer is absolutely flying by...we seem so busy with just everyday thing!! Here are just a few pictures of our summer...Enjoy