Friday, June 6, 2008

Tornado Sirens......

Last Friday afternoon was pretty stormy. Of course I did not have my radio on to get the full scoop on the weather, but thank goodness my husband was home!

To begin, I was babysitting my niece Ayla who is 6 months and my friends little boy Aiden who is 15 months along with having my own 2 children. Joe and I were both playing with the children, we had the front windows open along with the patio door. I noticed the sky was being filled with really dark clouds but wasn't too concerned as this is Minnesota. It did start raining but it wasn't blowing so we left the windows open. I just got done changing Aidens diaper when I heard the sirens.

Joe looked at me: "what is that?'
Me: "uh, the tornado sirens, could you please grab a kid and go in the laundry room?"
Joe: " that can't be the sirens" as he's looking out the front window "oh, crap I guess it is, there are funnel clouds right down the street"
Me: "just grab a kid and go to the basement"

So of course, he grabs Ayla and heads down stairs......leaving me with Aiden, Evan and Elly. By this time Evan was petrafied. I calmly grabbed his arm and stearnly looked him in the eyes and said "you need to go to the laundry room" as I am trying to grab Aiden and Elly! We safely made it to the laundry room, although Evan is so very confused by now!! Poor little guy. We all patiently waited and prayed sitting on the cold laundry room floor. As I was praying over our house, our vehicles, ourselves and everyone that we know, Evan is stairing at me with tears in his eyes wondering what is going on. Joe and I just continued to remind him that we were safe and that the sirens were just to warn us to go to the basement.

After we left the basement Joe called our good friend Craig (as he is on the fire dept, and is a weather watcher), he said that we were all clear!! Craig also said that not too far from our house a tornado had touched ground, and they had spotted a few funnel clouds. Thank God, noone was hurt and nothing was damaged in the area.

Although, we were all safe my poor Evan still just is not sure about the tornado sirens. To make matters worse, Wednesday the sirens went off at I believe at 1pm, as the do the first wednesday of every month for a test. Oh, my Evan heard those in his bedroom, I had just layed the kids down for a nap. As soon as the started ringing I bolted my pregnant little self down those stairs just as he started his screaming for "mmmmmooooommmmmyyyy". I calmed him down explaining that it was just a test to make sure they are working, just in case they need to use them again to keep us safe.

Now, keep in mind since last friday Evan will not even walk to the bathroom by himself. He is having a really hard time with this whole tornado stuff. I continue to explain to him that Jesus has his guardian angels around us to keep us safe and that there is absolutely nothing in our house that will hurt him. Poor little guy, I just hope this is a phase he is going through! Any suggestions on easing his mind, please comment for me!!!