Thursday, October 9, 2008


Emmalee Ann Caskey
September 26, 2008
11:02 am
8lbs 7 oz
20 inches

Mommy seeing her baby for the 1st time!

Very PROUD Daddy!

Evan, Elly and baby Emmalee

We finally had our baby girl!! We had our scheduled c-section and everything went very well. We were in the hospital from friday until monday, with no problems. The 2 older children were with friends and grandparents, which they really enjoyed. When we got home, things went a lot smoother that we had anticipated.

We were expecting some jealousy issues, as when Elly came to see us in the hospital she wet her pants 2 times in a matter of 30 minutes and would have nothing to do with mommy. Our wonderful Dr. Wehseler warned us that the diapers might have to come back out for a while, he said that sometimes older children will regress when there is a new sibling in a family. We weren't sure if it was of the setting we were in or if it was because at that time we did have a lot of visitors. Anyways, she has been doing much better at home and we are glad the diapers didn't have to be used again since it's only been about a month and a half without them!! She loves to hold her "baby sister"!!

As for Evan, he is the best big brother a baby sister could ask for! He wakes up every morning begging to hold her and goes to nap and bed begging to hold her!! He is also very good now about playing with Elly. He is really enjoying preschool, tomorrow he has his 1st field trip to the Amazin Farmyard!! He is so excited.....mommies a little nervous!!

Joe is absolutely the best father to our children!! He helps me out a lot with the kids and loves coming home to the kids yelling "we missed you daddy!!" I feel kinda bad though, Emmalee is pretty fussy in the evening......but she sleeps all night( I hope I am not jinxing myself). Since she was 6 days old she has been sleeping through the night. I really think that her sleeping so well has really helped me heal faster!!

We are so thankful to be blessed with 3 beautiful children!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What are we gonna do if your water breaks?

Well, as most of you know I am getting very close to having our 3rd child!! Any day now. Joe and I have been goofing around talking if, or where my water might break---if that were to happen since both of my other children were born c-section and this one is scheduled also!!
So, the other night I took our son Evan to go to the bathroom in the laundry room instead of walking all the way upstairs. This is also where our furnace/ac, water heater and softner are. He was going to the bathroom, and ever so seriously looked at me and asked

What are we going to do if your water breaks?

Me: what do you mean?

Well, can we just call Trent and Skeeter to come and fix it?

Trent and Skeeter are our plumbers!!! I looked at evan trying so hard not to laugh and stated:
Well, honey if my water breaks, that means the balloon that the baby is in-in my tummy. He was just so serious, associating "my water" with the plumbing!!

The kids are getting very excited for their baby sister to come. This week.....she will come!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

32 weeks Pregnant!!!

32 weeks pregnant......only 8 weeks left and we will officially have 3 children. Time has really flown by, especially when you get into the single digits of the remaining weeks!!! I am still absolutely loving being pregnant. As you can see I have a large tummy...Evan calls this "Mommies big fat baby belly" and Elly calls this "mommies big fat baby tummy". They seem to be getting excited to the bigger that my belly is growing!! Joe thinks it is just great at how large my belly is....he informed me tonight that when I stand sideways all he can see is belly!!! I am going to try really hard to blog a little more often.

Not too up to Date.....

Evan and Elly at the Games Lake....they love it when I MAKE them pose!!
At the beach with the Johnson kids...Marshel, Juele and Gavin!
Elly riding the cars at the Kandiyohi County Fair!!
Evan riding the motorcycles at the Kandiyohi County Fair!!!
Brea and Evan at the tractor pull..
I thought that I would update this poor deprived blog since it has been a very long time. This summer is absolutely flying by...we seem so busy with just everyday thing!! Here are just a few pictures of our summer...Enjoy

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tornado Sirens......

Last Friday afternoon was pretty stormy. Of course I did not have my radio on to get the full scoop on the weather, but thank goodness my husband was home!

To begin, I was babysitting my niece Ayla who is 6 months and my friends little boy Aiden who is 15 months along with having my own 2 children. Joe and I were both playing with the children, we had the front windows open along with the patio door. I noticed the sky was being filled with really dark clouds but wasn't too concerned as this is Minnesota. It did start raining but it wasn't blowing so we left the windows open. I just got done changing Aidens diaper when I heard the sirens.

Joe looked at me: "what is that?'
Me: "uh, the tornado sirens, could you please grab a kid and go in the laundry room?"
Joe: " that can't be the sirens" as he's looking out the front window "oh, crap I guess it is, there are funnel clouds right down the street"
Me: "just grab a kid and go to the basement"

So of course, he grabs Ayla and heads down stairs......leaving me with Aiden, Evan and Elly. By this time Evan was petrafied. I calmly grabbed his arm and stearnly looked him in the eyes and said "you need to go to the laundry room" as I am trying to grab Aiden and Elly! We safely made it to the laundry room, although Evan is so very confused by now!! Poor little guy. We all patiently waited and prayed sitting on the cold laundry room floor. As I was praying over our house, our vehicles, ourselves and everyone that we know, Evan is stairing at me with tears in his eyes wondering what is going on. Joe and I just continued to remind him that we were safe and that the sirens were just to warn us to go to the basement.

After we left the basement Joe called our good friend Craig (as he is on the fire dept, and is a weather watcher), he said that we were all clear!! Craig also said that not too far from our house a tornado had touched ground, and they had spotted a few funnel clouds. Thank God, noone was hurt and nothing was damaged in the area.

Although, we were all safe my poor Evan still just is not sure about the tornado sirens. To make matters worse, Wednesday the sirens went off at I believe at 1pm, as the do the first wednesday of every month for a test. Oh, my Evan heard those in his bedroom, I had just layed the kids down for a nap. As soon as the started ringing I bolted my pregnant little self down those stairs just as he started his screaming for "mmmmmooooommmmmyyyy". I calmed him down explaining that it was just a test to make sure they are working, just in case they need to use them again to keep us safe.

Now, keep in mind since last friday Evan will not even walk to the bathroom by himself. He is having a really hard time with this whole tornado stuff. I continue to explain to him that Jesus has his guardian angels around us to keep us safe and that there is absolutely nothing in our house that will hurt him. Poor little guy, I just hope this is a phase he is going through! Any suggestions on easing his mind, please comment for me!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Yeah, It's Friday!!!

Friday, what a wonderful day!! This has been a pretty busy week so far, I babysit a few kids during the week. This week, well Wednesday I had my children plus 5 others, where on a normal day I only have 1-2. So wednesday was a handful. Thankfully my mom came over to help me out.

This weekend we have a wedding to go to. Joes old co-worker Shawn is getting married. It should be a really enjoyable "date" for Joe and I to go on!! We have planned to have Joes cousin come over and stay with the kids for us. Her name is Karissa and she is Evans buddy!! Elly enjoys spending time with her too, but Evans got her wrapped around his pinky!!

Well, today the weather is beautiful!! We were outside all morning, and now the kids are sleeping and then we'll be outside again all afternoon. Thank god for the beautiful weather.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


O.k. bloggers!! Here I go. This would be my first blog ever, I'm really not sure if what I'm doing. I hope that you enjoy hearing about our clan!! I am Lindsey, I am married to my wonderful husband Joe. We have been married almost 5 years and we now have 2 children. Our wonderful son is Evan he is a spitting image of his father and is 4 years old. Our princess is Elly she is 2 years old. We are also expecting our 3rd child October 5th of this year.

As of yesterday we discovered that our new baby is going to be a girl!! We are both very excited, the sex of the baby really didn't matter to us as we already have one of each. According to Joe "this is the last one", I'm really not ready to except that just yet, as I have always wanted a lot of children. We will see in the future!!

Yesterday, our son Evan went along to my 19 week ultrasound. Of course I think when a 4 year old is told that he will get to see the new baby, he was really expecting "a baby" not a black and white fuzzy thing moving around on the screen. Needless to say he didn't enjoy it as much as I had expected. So, about half way through the ultrasound Joe took him to the lobby, but not before we were told the sex of her!!

You have to know our son, the ultrasound tech was moving that thing all around on my belly and then she quietly stated " it looks like a G-I-R-L"(she spelled it out). Joe and I just smiled at each other, then I said to Evan-------Well, buddy it looks like your going to have another little sister!! He looked at the tech and said "I don't like little sisters"!! It was the cutest thing!! Although he did want a brother, his is now very excited!! And of course Elly, she really doesn't understand this yet!!

Well, like I said before, this is my 1st blog every, so I hope that I didn't bore everyone. Once I figure everything out on my blog, I will be posting some pictures of our family!